[Contents] [Lesson 1: Intro] [Lesson 2: Basic Sentences] [Lesson 3: Basic Questions] [Lesson 4: Coming soon!]
Lesson 3: Basic Questions
In Lesson 2 we went over how to build a very simple statement where one thing does something to another thing, or a subject acts on an object. This STAO format provides the base foundation for building more complex statements but also for building simple questions. The word order for a simple question is Subject-Tense-Action-Object-Interrogative. It is the same as a statement except with another word added onto the end. You can think of these interrogative words as a question mark, but they also denote the type of question being asked, whether its 'how', 'why', 'when', 'what', etc. The Action phrase will still be in the same tense and the subject and object will appear the same.
Who Eats Meat??
More Interrogatives |
Personal Pronouns:
y: I/me/my
ro: you/your lo: he/him/his la: she/her/hers ko: it/its lyta: we/us/our luta: they/them/their Verb Tenses:
uda: simple present
nuda: negative simple present
kama: water
kulaga: meal malana: sleep nangada: fight rosala: candy jarasa: like ytarasa: love, like a lot sankama: drink Nouns:
aloga: meat
lero: gold sonda: food Interrogatives:
goragi: when
gai: why game: what/which ge: did/does/do gofu: how goge: where gosa: who/whom |